A brief history of the British Empire

Everything that is currently wrong in the world seems to be the fault of the British Empire. But what was the British Empire? How did it start? What countries were involved? The following is an extremely brief history of expansion, not morality. I am not a historian – I am a Googler.

A reflection on Remembrance Sunday

14 November 2021 | OPINION As another Remembrance Sunday comes upon us, we must remind ourselves of what it is that we are commemorating and...

Transitioning for fair play – Nick Buckley MBE

2 July 2021 | OPINION Trans-women athletes are the latest battleground for the woke ideologues. It is a test. Will you show your obedience and virtue-signal? Or...

It’s too late for reform, Auntie Beeb needs to be defunded...

If I had a pound for every time the BBC broke one of its Royal Charter commitments, I'd probably end up with enough to pay for every over-75's licence fee.

One year on from being cancelled – Nick Buckley MBE

15 June 2021 | OPINION Monday 15th June 2020 was a day that defined my life. It was the day I was publicly cancelled. Two...

Don’t surrender free speech to combat nasty trolls – Nick Buckley...

Out of a population of 68 million, a small handful of idiots posted racist comments directed at the football players who missed penalties at the Euro final, with the majority of posts coming from outside the UK. This abuse should not have come as a surprise to anyone. Black football players get racist abuse online. All players get abuse online.

Why do Boris and the Tories dislike our young people so...

Boris Johnson is said to be 'raging' about the low vaccine uptake amongst the youth, but young people are raging about Boris. Raging. No one likes being blackmailed, particularly when they have already made huge sacrifices.

White Privilege is an urban myth developed by wokester mobs –...

5 July 2021 | OPINION Like ‘BAME’, the phrase ‘White Privilege’ is useless. As so many of us know, there are so many factors that...

This Government needs to learn to work together, while respecting immigrant...

18 OCTOBER 2022 | OPINION Immigration. Relationships outside of Europe. Trade deals. Three things that have been a priority for our governments since 52% of...

Have you got a licence for that opinion?

15 JUNE 2023 | OPINION From the backs of football shirts to the front door of the Foreign Office, we have seen speech becoming criminalised....
Wolves of Westminster